Aug 6, 2008

Softball & Dirt

I had a Softball tournament on Saturday Aug. 2nd. Wyatt was suppose to come with me, but since he hadn't napped he came later with Mi-mi and Pa-pa Rychener. He really enjoys coming to the games. He plays with the bats, softballs and eats lots of popcorn. And of course he cheers for his FAVORITE PLAYER by standing at the fence and shouting "Go Mom!", raising both fists in the air (I just love my fan club!).

Between games he managed to find a pile of dirt, and boy did he enjoy it. Within minutes of attacking the small mound of dusty gravel his face, hair, arms, legs, clothing and any other crack or crevace the stuff could settle into was coated a nice shade of dusty white!

Here, see for yourself!

Oh, and incase you were wondering...
our team (KP Percision) won the tourney! :)


Debbie said...


He is so cute and ALL boy!

Debbie and Girls

Audra said...

LOL at Wyatt covered in dirt. That's priceless!

What type of camera do you have? Is it high tech like Melinda's?

Melinda said...

It is december girlfriend! Where are the updates?